Q&A With Campbell Faces

Krista Robertson, junior, is majoring in Psychology while also being in the Army Reserve. She tells us about her journey to Campbell and what she plans on doing after graduation.


Q: What is an interesting fact about yourself?

A: I am currently in the Army Reserve.

Q: How is that different from being in the Army?

A: I had to go to basic training just like everyone else, but I am not stationed anywhere. I have to go to drill one weekend out of every month and may be deployed if needed.

Q: Isn’t that stressful?

A: It can be, but I like it. I feel it adds balance to my life.

Q: Why did you decide to join the Army Reserve?

A: I always wanted to join a branch of the military. I decided to go into the Army Reserve when I was 20 after I got my associate’s degree in Idaho.

Q: What made you move here from Idaho?

A: I met my boyfriend in training and he was stationed in Fort Bragg before being deployed to Afghanistan, so I decided to move here and apply to Campbell. I drove seven days to get here!

Q: Do you like it at Campbell?

A: Yes, the South is so different; the entire east coast is different from being out west and up north.

Q: What makes the South so different?

A: People behave differently here. Southern people are definitely the biggest change. And the humidity. I am not used to the humidity.

Q: Why are you majoring in Psychology?

A: I want to go to a midwifery graduate program but didn’t want to major in Biology.

Q: Why do you want to go into midwifery?

A: I want to help people, especially women. Someday I want to help women in third world countries with prenatal care.

Q: How long are you in the Army Reserve after graduation?

A: I have three years after I graduate if I don’t get deployed. I am glad I joined, regardless.

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Pink and Tiffany Blue

Interview By: Beth Pandone

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